Multiplicatively closed set

In abstract algebra, a subset of a ring is said to be multiplicatively closed if it is closed under multiplication (i.e., xy is in the set when x and y are in it) and contains 1 but doesn't contain 0.[1] The condition is especially important in commutative algebra, where multiplicatively closed sets are used to build localizations of commutative rings.



Common examples of multiplicatively closed sets include:

  1. the set \{ 1, x, x^2, x^3, \dots \} where x is not a nilpotent element;
  2. the set of units of the ring;
  3. the set of regular elements of the ring;
  4. in a commutative ring, the set-theoretic complement of a prime ideal.


For commutative rings, the complement of a prime ideal is an especially important example of a multiplicatively closed set. Clearly an ideal A of a commutative ring R is prime if and only if the complement R\A is multiplicatively closed. In fact, complements of prime ideals enjoy another property: that of being "saturated". A set is said to be saturated if every divisor of x in the set is also in the set (i.e., if xy is in the set, then x and y are in the set). For a commutative ring the converse is not always true: a saturated multiplicative set may not be a complement of a prime ideal. However it is true that a subset S is saturated and multiplicatively closed if and only if S is the set-theoretic complement of a non-empty set-theoretic union of prime ideals, (Kaplansky 1974, Theorem 2).

The intersection of a family of multiplicative sets is again multiplicative, and the intersection of a family of saturated sets is saturated.

Suppose S is a multiplicatively closed subset of a commutative ring R. A standard lemma due to Krull[2] states that there exists an ideal P of R maximal with respect to having empty intersection with S, and this ideal is a prime ideal. It follows that S is a subset of the complement R\P, which is a saturated multiplicatively closed set. Thus every multiplicatively closed set is a subset of a saturated multiplicatively closed set.

See also


  1. ^ Zero is excluded since the multiplicative sets useful for localization exclude zero, and because a saturated set containing 0 is the whole ring, another undesirable triviality.
  2. ^ Kaplansky, 1974, p. 1